Friday, February 10, 2006

Al Qaeda Friday - American Hiroshima (To be continued)

Please accept my apologies (all 3 of you who may be reading this blog). The American Hiroshima entry will be postponed until further notice. My original post was intended to describe the potential societal consequences of a scenario involving the successful detonation of 10-12 pre-positioned small nuclear devices within major American cities over a period of 1 to 2 weeks. However, my thoughts on this subject are not yet ready for prime time. To be honest, I don’t mind not thinking about it for a while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dearest otter king, do not fear, i too observe your literary acrobats from the place too close to the texas rejects who live in the house that is definately white washed with more than purty words.

7:01 PM  

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